I'm on a mission to help as many people as I can to understand how important their health is in their life. Staying healthy has never been more difficult in this day and age, but being aware of " The Right Stuff " so to speak, can drastically change your life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Glutathione Testimonial

This is Kay C. I am almost 96 years young and live in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Since starting on the glutathione supplement about seven months ago, I have had a number of positive changes, but for one in particular, I am most grateful.

For several months I had been having a problem with my right eye being sore and "fuzzy" and I was using drops several times a day.
Photo courtesy of Fenja1 (Flickr)

I was afraid I was losing the sight of that eye. An eye doctor told me I had macular degeneration, confirmed later by an eye specialist. Neither gave me any positive help.
Three days after starting on the glutathione supplement, I looked in the mirror and was surprised to note I could see a "little bit" better.

After eight days, I was looking out the window and could not believe how well I could see, and couldn't remember when I had stopped using eye drops.

That is the way the supplement works --- all of a sudden you notice a positive change in problems that you were just living with as part of life.

For example, itchy skin disappeared after many years, my hearing is a "bit" better, and I'm sleeping better.

My right foot had intermittently been very painful. I was thought to be gout but recent blood test showed it was not. Although the pain had gone, I had swelling and inflammation.

One day (I) noticed that was gone. I also had shooting pains in different parts of my body, especially at night, but recently noticed they have disappeared.

My energy levels is great and at almost 96,I am living a very happy, healthy, and active life. I have invitations out for my 100th birthday!


Keller, RH, GLUTATHIONE Your Best Defense Against Aging, Cellular Damage and Disease, 2008.

This macular degeneration testimonial is proof that there is a better life even with vision problems and body pains at age 96!
Who wouldn't want to live a long, healthy, active, and happy life such as Kay's? I sure do!

Eating berries may prevent Parkinson’s disease

This interesting news article explains the benefits of antioxidants on the cells of the body. External antioxidants are good for you, but not as effective as having the body produce it's own version.
Glutathione production in the body is directly related to over 65 diseases that we see today. Food for thought ! ( pun intended )
Read the article below - click on link.
Eating berries may prevent Parkinson’s disease

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Doctor OZ

Check out what Dr. OZ ( of Oprah Winfrey fame ) has to say about Glutathione on his primetime afternoon talk-show just featured on Thursday February 3rd.
A lot of important and well-known doctors are taking this antioxidant seriously.
* Click on the link below.*

The Superhero of Antioxidants, Pt 1.

Glutathione - The Master Antioxidant !

Glutathione is produced naturally in our cells if the required building blocks are available. As an antioxidant, glutathione is present in every cell in your body to protect them from free radicals and oxidative stress, which is caused by environmental pollutants, diet, stress, and even exercise, just to name a few.

Just as a car generates exhaust when it burns gasoline to produce energy, the body's natural processes generate "exhaust" as well-free radicals. These in turn can start chain reactions of oxidative stress that damage cells. Preventing these chain reactions is critical, as oxidative stress has been associated with more than 74 major diseases and disorders. Antioxidants halt these chain reactions. The reason glutathione is so important and effective is that it can subdue many more free radicals than its antioxidant cousins.

Why you need it
You don't have to be a scientist or an antioxidant guru to appreciate everything glutathione can do for you and your cells. As you increase your glutathione levels, you can experience multiple benefits because glutathione:

  •  Is present in every cell in the body.
  •  Is a primary cell detoxifier.
  •  Strengthens the immune system.
  •  Fights intracellular inflammation.
  •  Supports increased exercise.
  •  Slows the aging process.

Below is a very interesting video explanation as to exactly how glutathione works in every cell in your body.
This video is approximately 12 minutes long, but it may be the most important 12 minutes of your life.
If keeping your health is important to you, I hightly recommend taking the time to watch.

John Dawson holds a Masters degree in Business and undergraduate degree in Biology.  In the following video he explains glutathione’s role in the cell and function compared to external anti-oxidants.