I'm on a mission to help as many people as I can to understand how important their health is in their life. Staying healthy has never been more difficult in this day and age, but being aware of " The Right Stuff " so to speak, can drastically change your life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Glutathione Testimonial

This is Kay C. I am almost 96 years young and live in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Since starting on the glutathione supplement about seven months ago, I have had a number of positive changes, but for one in particular, I am most grateful.

For several months I had been having a problem with my right eye being sore and "fuzzy" and I was using drops several times a day.
Photo courtesy of Fenja1 (Flickr)

I was afraid I was losing the sight of that eye. An eye doctor told me I had macular degeneration, confirmed later by an eye specialist. Neither gave me any positive help.
Three days after starting on the glutathione supplement, I looked in the mirror and was surprised to note I could see a "little bit" better.

After eight days, I was looking out the window and could not believe how well I could see, and couldn't remember when I had stopped using eye drops.

That is the way the supplement works --- all of a sudden you notice a positive change in problems that you were just living with as part of life.

For example, itchy skin disappeared after many years, my hearing is a "bit" better, and I'm sleeping better.

My right foot had intermittently been very painful. I was thought to be gout but recent blood test showed it was not. Although the pain had gone, I had swelling and inflammation.

One day (I) noticed that was gone. I also had shooting pains in different parts of my body, especially at night, but recently noticed they have disappeared.

My energy levels is great and at almost 96,I am living a very happy, healthy, and active life. I have invitations out for my 100th birthday!


Keller, RH, GLUTATHIONE Your Best Defense Against Aging, Cellular Damage and Disease, 2008.

This macular degeneration testimonial is proof that there is a better life even with vision problems and body pains at age 96!
Who wouldn't want to live a long, healthy, active, and happy life such as Kay's? I sure do!

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